After School Activities

student on the playground

Richfield Community Education

Richfield Community Education provides opportunities for enrichment and recreation activities where youth can explore and experience areas of interest, build skills and relationships, and establish community connections.

Activities are presented in a fun and safe environment with plenty of hands-on involvement. Classes vary and may include cooking, martial arts, drama, arts and crafts, languages, sports and more!

After school classes meet at Centennial, Sheridan Hills, Richfield Dual Language and Richfield STEM schools. Additional youth enrichment classes meet on evenings, school release days and during the summer. Seasonal youth fliers are sent home with students from school and included in the districtwide Community Education catalog. 

View class offerings or register online through the Richfield Community Education registration website.


Beacons is a collaboration of the Boys and Girls Club of Minneapolis, the YMCA and the Richfield Public School District. Students can register for Beacons at the start of the school year or any time during the school year. Beacons staff are trained educators who work closely with the Centennial staff to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of students. Stop by the Beacons office or give us a call to get connected, we can’t wait to meet you!

About Beacons: The Beacons program engages young people as leaders and learners to create equitable schools and communities. Beacons turns schools into community centers by running free, high-quality programs after school and in the summer–all focused on belonging, relationships, enrichment and learning. To learn more about Beacons, visit the Centennial Beacons website. Beacons programs are built in partnership between young people and adults, bringing together our whole community to determine what we want to see and do during out-of-school-time.

Beacons Staff:

Richfield R.E.A.D.Y.

The mission of Richfield R.E.A.D.Y. is to support individuals and families in their efforts to develop competent, caring and responsible youth. Richfield R.E.A.D.Y. supports participation in positive youth development experiences by providing fee assistance to help cover the cost of program fees to several community serving organizations. 

Fee Assistance Information

  • Any youth living in Richfield or attending Richfield public or non-public schools is eligible. 
  • Fee assistance is for Richfield Community Education Programs and Richfield Athletic Associations.
  • Richfield R.E.A.D.Y. assistance dollars are only to be used for program fees, not for costumes, uniforms, travel expenses or tickets. 

Apply for Fee Assistance

  • Richfield R.E.A.D.Y. is now accepting applications. Apply at the link below.
  • Current maximum fee assistance is $75 per school year (July 1-June 30). Scholarship max amounts are subject to change based upon available funding.

 Apply Now

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