Dear Centennial Families,
In our ongoing efforts to improve traffic safety during arrival and dismissal, we are working with the City of Richfield to install a “demonstration project” along 73rd Street near Centennial Elementary School. If you drive to pick up or drop-off your child, please use extra caution during this time.
Date, time and duration: The installation took place in mid-August and will continue at least until the winter. Thank you to our staff volunteers who helped out with the installation!
Location: 73rd Street between Bloomington Avenue and Cedar Avenue.
What is a demonstration project? Demonstration projects are temporary installations on roads used to test infrastructure ideas for potential future construction. 73rd Street will receive improvements meant to calm traffic and better protect students who walk to school.
Things you will see:
- Flexible plastic posts near curbs and in intersections
- Fresh paint on the road
- A delineated trail on the south side of the street between the Centennial driveway and Cedar Avenue
- Observers wearing high-visibility vests
Evaluation: Throughout the project, city and school district staff will be evaluating the effectiveness of the demonstration project through observations and surveys. Feedback from everyone is encouraged, whether your child walks, bikes or is driven to school.
Try it out: If you normally drive for parent pickup or drop-off, we encourage you to try parking nearby and walking to or from school with your child to experience the demonstration project as a pedestrian.
This is a collaboration between our Safe Routes to School program and the City of Richfield Public Works department. If you have any questions or comments you can contact:
Tim Brackett
Safe Routes to School Coordinator
Richfield Public Schools
Matt Hardegger
Transportation Engineer
City of Richfield Public Works